Delaford Colts FC 40th Anniversary 1980-2020

Delaford Colts FC are proudly celebrating their 40th Anniversary as a Football Club this year.

In a year of uncertainty we felt it important to recognise this great milestone and the contribution of its members over the years. This gives us the opportunity to show our appreciation and gratitude to all the people, past and present, that have helped to make the club what it is today - a great caring community club. Players, parents, supporters, managers, coaches and committee members all play a major part in keeping ‘our’ Delaford Colts prominent within youth teams playing our national game football, without this undevoted contribution the club would not thrive as it does today. As you can imagine there are too many individuals to give special mentions to, so collectively we are thankful to all that have been involved over the past 40 years!

Delaford Colts FC was established back in 1980 when three men with footballing sons were dissatisfied by the way youth football was being organised in Iver Village. Alan Goodliff, Jim Gillard and Len Barber took it upon themselves to go it alone and form a new club with the help of their wives and parents of the players. With this support they hoped they could run a successful well managed team to be proud of. ​The first challenge was to choose a team name. We wanted a name that applied to Iver without using the name of the village. Those of you familiar with the bar area in the Village Hall will know the two rooms off the bar are referred to as Coppins and Delaford. During one of our many meetings in the bar to discuss the way forward for the club, Jim pointed to the name over the door, everyone took an instant like to it and that is how the club was named.​The club was helped along with a £500 donation from Peter Litchfield, the then owner of Woodlands Bakery, with more funds raised from parents organising events such as discos etc. That's where it all began and here we find ourselves many years later Delaford Colts is still thriving going from strength to strength.

On behalf of the Committee we thank each and everyone of you and here's to another 40 Years of glory!


Nexus/I-Can & Delaford Colts FC in Partnership